Modder RedxYeti has released the Dynamic Wait mod, which lets you hold a key to watch time pass at super speed. It's a bit like watching a time-lapse video, and is infinitely more immersive than watching the numbers tick down on the default 'Wait' screen.
Galera mais um video de skyrim para vocês, vi que vocês gostaram do mod do kratos então vamos ver os personagens de dragon ball no skyrim, como goku, vegeta e goku blackLoja parceira do canal veryhardgames os melhores preços de jogos e assinaturas voces só encontram aquiLink da loja: do canal: Canal da veryhardgames: siga nas redes sociaisInstagram: _games/Twitter: _raccons..........................................canal na twitch segue lá: _gamesseja parceiro do canal deixe o comentario...................
Skyrim Super Saiyan Mod
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New custom ship (Inspired by DraconisRace with Capsule Corp and Saiyan Emblem modifications)New S.A.I.L (quest advisor Prince Vegeta Reskin)New Saiyan Small Outpost accessible by teleport (Work in Progress)Saiyan Npc Merchant and Bandits'(Join the world of starbound all with specific dialogues will speak of Frieza of King Vegeta and more)goku gi suit and hair added to the character creationAll Haircut tranformation RestylingSaiyan Custom Flag craftable to the spinning wheelscraftable Seripa ki blast powerful technique for saiyan girlscraftable dark goku set (with scary dark technique)Dark Kamehameha! is now craftable 2ff7e9595c