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Tor Browser Bundle v7.0.11 The Onion Router: The Best Privacy Tool for Windows 64 bit


Why were they keeping up the system requirements higher (smaller market segment) for the privacy minded browser?Why is there a huge difference between onion browser system requirements (systems req. lower is a broader market is better for more users) and the so called special privacy browser from firefox?The standard browser on mobile is already for years a total anti privacy minded browser.

Tor Browser Bundle v7.0.11 The Onion Router for Windows 64 bit

  • 2020-01-12 12:54:02Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship, region-blocking, and tracking. The program uses a modified version of the [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url] browser with additional privacy and security features, including always-on access to the [url= ]Tor[/url] network and anonymo uss network and no usage history.Components include the Vidalia Tor client and the [url=httpomponents include the Vidalia Tor client and the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= [/url] and [url= -everywheere]HTTPS Evverywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacywh. There[/url] progradd-onm is to enhance privacy. The program is the offofficial [url=]browseser bundle[/ururl] fro from the makers of [url=httpttps:////]Tor[/url].Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • 2020-01-12 12:53:21Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= , region-blocking, and tracking. The program uses a modified version of the [url= -US/firefoxS/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= [/url] browser with additional privacy and security features, including always-on access to the [url= ]Tor[/url] network and no usage history.Components include the Vidalia Tor client and the [url= ]NoScrippt[/url] and [url=ht -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/uverywhere[/url] add-ons to enhd-ons to enhance privacy. The ofhe program is the officialcial [url=]browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].N frote thatm the Tor site has some [url= of [url= -easy.html.en]additional precautions]Tor[/url] that careful users may wish to follow].Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer, launch, and extract a folder of your choice[*]Launch [i]Start Tor Browser.exe[[/ii][*]When prompted, uncheck the option to add items to your Desktop or Start Menu and answer then answer a few q quick questuestions abouout your connection[*]Whnen prompted, uncheck cthe option to add items to your Desktop or Start Menu[/list]

  • Icon: Updated

  • Screenshot: Updated

  • Keywords: torbrowser tor%20browser onion tor anonymous anonbrowse

  • 2018-01-23 17:04:46Updated by billonVersion: v7.0.115

  • Release date: 20178-101-0721

  • What's new: See:[url] -browser-70115-released[/url]

  • 2017-09-04 21:56:16Updated by billonVersion: v7.0.45

  • Keywords: torbrowser tor%20browser onion

  • Release date: 2017-089-084

  • What's new: See:[url] -browser-7045-released[/url]

  • 2017-07-04 03:10:47Updated by billonVersion: v7.0.12

  • Synopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It inct includes t the Vidalia Tor client along withVidalia Tor client along with [urlrl= -US/firefoxS/firefox/orgaanizations/]Firefox ESR[/url[/url], as well as a variety of configuration as well as a variety of configuration changnges inincluding the [url= the [url= ]NoScript[/uurl] and [url=https:/ -eeverywhere]HTTPS Eververywherhere[/urrl] ad add-ons to en enhancce privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].Note that the Tor site has some [url= -easy.html.en]additional precautions[/url] that careful users may wish to follow.Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • Release date: 2017-067-103

  • What's new: See:[url] -browser-7012-released[/url]

  • 2017-06-07 18:01:10Updated by billonVersion: v67.5.20

  • Synopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].Note that the Tor site has some [url= -easy.html.en]additional precautions[/url] that careful users may wish to follow.Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • Release date: 2017-046-1907

  • What's new: See:[url] -browser-65270-released[/url]

  • 2014-11-30 03:04:06Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].Note that the Tor site has some [url= -easy.html.en]additional precautions[/url] that especically carrefuul users may witsh to follow.Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • 2014-11-30 03:00:22Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].Note that the Tor site has some [url= -easy.html.en]additional precautions[/url] that especially careful users may with to follow.Functional in 64-bit. Cross-platform with clients available for Mac and Linux.

  • How to extract: Download the self-extracting EXE to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]Start Tor Browser.exe[/i] and answer a few quick questions about your connection.

  • Size (in bytes): 734019718926879

  • Writes settings to: [u][/u]Application folder

  • Screenshot: Updated

  • 2014-06-15 17:25:06Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url].Functional in 64-bit. and cros Cross-platform (Wim with clients available for Mac an/d Linux).

  • 2013-01-21 00:10:19Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client along with [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], as well as a variety of configuration changes including the [url= ]NoScript[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTPS Everywhere[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url] ([url= ][/url]).Functional in 64-bit and cross-platform (Win/Linux).

  • 2013-01-19 03:01:11Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client, utilizes [url=https:// along with [url=]/]Firefox ESR[/url][/url], and has a varis well as a variety of conff configuration changes including the [uratl= changes including ethe /]NoScrriptpt[/url] and [url= -everywhere]HTTTPS AnEverywheree[/url] add-ons to enhance privacy. The official browser bundle from the makers of [url= ]Tor[/url] ([url= ][/url]).Functional in 64-bit and cross-platform (Win/Linux).

  • 2013-01-18 23:55:11Updated by webforkSynopsis: Tor Browser enables secure, anonymous web access to help bypass various forms of censorship and tracking. It includes the Vidalia Tor client, utilizes [url= -US/firefox/organizations/]Firefox ESR[/url], and has a variety of configuration changes including the NoScript and HTTPS Anywhere add-ons to enhance privacy.Functional in 64-bit and cross-platform (Win/Linux). This is the offficial browser availaal browser bundlee from m the makers of [url= of [url= ]Tor[/url] ([url= ]][/url]).Functional in 64-bit and cross-platform (Win/Linux).


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